Sunday, October 23, 2011

unreachable cheeses

Epoisses, a runny cow's milk cheese, has been named the world's smelliest cheese. It is so smelly that it has been banned from French public transportation! And since I am a believer that when it comes to cheese - the stinkier, the better, I am dying to try this cheese!

More and more these days, I seem to be getting tempted by unattainable cheeses...

It started when I watched the judges on Masterchef US gush over cheese souffles. Isabella and I were craving for cheese souffles for two whole weeks until I decided to trot to Chef Jessie in Rockwell. We ordered the Bacon & Cheese and Four Cheese souffles which I felt tasted more like quiche than souffle. Then again, my expectations might have skyrocketed from the good production values of Masterchef US and a two-week-long unsatisfied craving.

Then I discovered that Starbucks had phased out my favorite Grilled Ham & Three Cheese on Italian Country Bread (see related post here). The barista suggested the Ultimate Grilled Cheese sandwich but it couldn't be any further away from the cheesy goodness of my old Three Cheese breakfast.

Then a friend of mine, who was flying off to L.A. for a vacation, told me that Porto's Bakery was going to be his neighbor for a week! Porto's cheese roll!!! It is seriously the best cheese roll on the planet! With its flaky crust... Oooohhh, yuuummmm!!!

Sigh... so many unreachable cheeses these days...

Photo from acupofjo.

Click here for a previous post on cheese.

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