Wednesday, October 12, 2011

the perfect cake server for me

As I've told you here, I am quite challenged in the area of kitchen skills. Nothing in the kitchen is a piece of cake for me. Not even slicing and serving a piece of cake.

If I am lucky enough to get the slice on your plate (instead of the dining table), it would look more like mush than a slice of cake. Best-case, it would be in 2 pieces rather 1, with a lump of icing scraped on the edge of your plate, and neither of the 2 pieces would be upright at that!

Based on these photos, it seems like this cake slicer is perfect for me! No need for the pitiful attempt to hold the slice together with a fork and the cake-slicer until it lands in a mess on the plate (and the whole time, I'm holding my breath!). This 2010 Red Dot Awardee, Magisso Cake Server, not only slices the cake perfectly, but also allows you to get it onto your dessert plate effortlessly. A squeeze of the handle will allow you to transfer the slice to a plate without having to hold your breath. Carefully letting go of the handle allows you to set the slice down on the plate -- right side up!

I have got to get myself one of these! So that serving a piece of cake will really be a piece of cake! :)

Photos from here.

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