Saturday, August 6, 2011

pretty little secret

I don't know why. But I can't stop myself from watching Pretty Little Liars when it's on on ETC.

After every episode's cliffhanger, I wind up asking myself "Why???" Why does a 36-year-old woman watch this juvenile (hey, it came from a young adult book series!) show? Why do I even ask "Who is A???" when I know very well that the series will end if that is revealed! Why do I get irritated that these kids don't just tell the cops (and not Officer Garrett Reynolds!) that A is blackmailing them? And yet, when the next episode comes on, I am watching every gripping (albeit juvenile) blackmailing moment as a piece of the mystery unravels little by little!

It did help to know that Chuvaness is hooked on it too (here). :) 

And I think part of the reason I am so enthralled is that they're just so pretty! They're styled so beautifully, that I keep thinking, "Who does their hair and makeup?" Especially the blonde girl's (who, after Googling, I finally remember is named Hanna in the show. For some strange reason, I easily recall the names of Aria, Emily and Spencer. Hanna, I tend to forget and I think it is because I am so mesmerized by her perfect hair and makeup to even listen to her name). I am particularly drawn to this photo where the girls are in spring colors, quite far from the dark colors they're usually in in the show.

Oh, and it doesn't hurt that Ezra Fitz (Ian Harding) is uber cute! :)

Yes, I have a weakness for Pretty Little Liars. Now will you keep my pretty little secret?

Swear, you'll never tell?

Photos from here, here, here and here.

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